This blog follows the journey of a final year medical student studying at the University of Manchester!

Join me for posts on my experience of applying for Medicine, studying Medicine and beyond; as well as posts full of advice for all you aspiring medics out there!



This blog was initially created as a means of sharing my own journey and experiences, but has now grown to be a platform of support for many students. Despite being UK-based we’ve managed to reach out to over 200 different countries! If you’re currently doing your A-levels, applying for Medicine or even considering going into Medicine…you’re in the right place!

Use the headings at the top to navigate this site. You can read about my experiences of medical school, get tips for your application, general study tips and so much more! Don’t forget to check out my new stationery line whilst you’re here! There is something here for everyone!

If you’d like to see my recent posts, just scroll down from the homepage! And of course, don’t forget to subscribe (on the right) and follow me on instagram, twitter and Facebook to never miss another post! We promise you won’t regret it!

Check out my AskAMedStudent series, where you are all given the opportunity to submit any questions you have, and guess what…you can also access any of my A-level and Medicine notes right here!